
My design is being stolen and resold by Aliexpress sellers :(
See below for how you can help me report this theft!

Aliexpress Listing 1 (LegendCosplay - advertised on Google search) ELIMINATEDAliexpress Listing 2 (CostumeBuy - made 25 sales) ELIMINATEDAliexpress Listing 3(CosplayDream - made 3 sales) ELIMINATEDAliexpress Listing 4 (CosplayDream - made 2 sales) ELIMINATED7/15/2022 Update: All four listings have been taken down!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP!!! Usually sellers try again by relisting under different accounts, so if you ever happen to run into more listings, feel free to notify me via Instagram!My Etsy Listing:

How to report:

1. Click Report Item in the Description box

2. You'll be asked to log in to your Aliexpress account. If you don't have one, you can instantly make one by linking your Google account, or any of your other socials:

3. Once logged in, you'll be taken to this page. Click Submit a Report under Report (For Non-Rights Holders)

4. Complete the form accordingly.

You can use the copypasta and screenshot below:

This art was stolen from the Etsy product below:
As seen by the reviews, this design was listed as early as March 2021.
The original designer has never given permission for her art to be taken and resold.
Upload Evidence:

Designing this shirt for my cosplay took hours upon hours of work and countless iterations. Making it available to others through Etsy cost additional work, from recalibrating the design for multiple style blocks, to the $$ spent in initial sampling, and all of the effort that went into learning how to use Etsy, as well as the trials and errors that come with running a shop and providing customer service. Seeing others blatantly rip off my work for a fraction of the price (considering my print providers based in New York & Canada could never compete with Chinese mass production) has been nothing short of hurtful and frustrating.

Feel free to spread the word! Other artists who've had this happen to them have said that drowning them in reports has proven to be effective.
I've followed these artists' advice and have submitted a IPR on their IP Protection Platform. Alibaba has accepted my submission, which means all reports regarding my work will be taken more seriously.

my IG slideshow pointing out some of the obvious flaws and misconduct hat come with highjacking other people's art:

I'm under no illusion that these efforts would permanently stop this kind theft. Once it starts, it usually never stops, as shops that get shut down will just reopen under another generic brand name on Aliexpress or any of Alibaba's other sites (Taobao, Tmall, etc). But combined, they've only made 30 sales so far. So let's drown them in reports and make them realize this is not worth their while!Thank you SO, SO, much for hearing me out and for all of your help in combatting this, big or small! I really appreciate it!!!!!